Pokazywanie postów oznaczonych etykietą Fernão Cabral. Pokaż wszystkie posty
Pokazywanie postów oznaczonych etykietą Fernão Cabral. Pokaż wszystkie posty

wtorek, 30 lipca 2024

Luís de Camões

 Celebrating 500 Years of Luís de Camões: The Legacy of Portugal's Literary Giant

 ©Andrzej Philips

This year marks the 500th anniversary of the birth of Luís de Camões, one of Portugal's greatest literary figures. Known for his epic poem *Os Lusíadas*, Camões' work has left an indelible mark on Portuguese literature and culture. His life and writings continue to be celebrated for their profound influence and artistic brilliance.

The Portuguese Post commemorates the 500th anniversary of Camões' birth with stamps (€0.65 and €1.30) and a block (€3.50) issued on July 10, 2024.

The €0.65 stamp presents a portrait of the poet (the so-called "Retrato a vermelha"), and the €1.30 stamp shows an extract from *Os Lusíadas* – Canto 1, verse 2. The souvenir sheet presents an extract from *Os Lusíadas* – Canto 1, verse 1, and a painting by Alfredo Roque Gameiro, "A partida do Vasco da Gama a Índia em 1497" ["Vasco da Gama's departure to India in 1497"].

The First Day Cover presents the caravel of Fernão Cabral.



Canto (book) 1, verse 2 (the stamps for €1,30)



E também as memórias gloriosas

Daqueles Reis, que foram dilatando

A Fé, o Império, e as terras viciosas

De África e de Ásia andaram devastando;

E aqueles, que por obras valerosas

Se vão da lei da morte libertando;

Cantando espalharei por toda parte,

Se a tanto me ajudar o engenho e arte.


And also the glorious memories

Of those kings who expanded

The Faith, the Empire, and the vicious lands

Of Africa and Asia they devastated;

And those who by valiant deeds

Are escaping the law of death;

Singing, I will spread everywhere,

If my talent and skill help me to do so.


Canto 1, verse 1 (the souvenir sheet)


As armas e os barões assinalados

Que da ocidental praia Lusitana

Por mares nunca de antes navegados

Passaram ainda além da Taprobana[1],

Em perigos e guerras esforçados

Mais do que prometia a força humana,

E entre gente remota edificaram

Novo Reino, que tanto sublimaram;



The arms and the famed heroes

Who from the western shore of Lusitania

By seas never before sailed

Went beyond Taprobana[2],

In dangers and wars strived

More than human strength promised,

And among remote peoples built

A new kingdom, which they so exalted;


The Life of Luís de Camões


Luís de Camões was born in 1524, though the exact date and location of his birth remain subjects of speculation. He lived during a time of great exploration and change, with the Portuguese Empire reaching its zenith. Camões' life was as adventurous and tumultuous as the times he lived in. He traveled extensively, including time spent in India, China, and Mozambique, experiences that deeply influenced his writing.


Despite his contributions to literature, Camões faced numerous hardships, including imprisonment and financial difficulties. His personal struggles and adventurous spirit are reflected in his works, making his poetry rich with emotion and experience.


Os Lusíadas: A National Epic


"Os Lusíadas", published in 1572, is Camões' magnum opus and a cornerstone of Portuguese literature. The epic poem celebrates the voyages of Portuguese explorers, particularly Vasco da Gama, and the discovery of the sea route to India. Through this work, Camões not only glorified Portugal's maritime achievements but also explored themes of heroism, patriotism, and human endeavor.


The poem is a blend of classical and Renaissance influences, showcasing Camões' mastery of language and poetic form. Its enduring popularity is a testament to its literary excellence and its significance in Portuguese culture.


Camões' Literary Legacy


Beyond "Os Lusíadas", Camões wrote numerous lyrical poems, including sonnets, elegies, and eclogues. His lyrical poetry is characterized by its emotional depth, exploring themes of love, loss, and longing. Camões' ability to convey complex emotions with clarity and beauty has earned him a place among the great poets of the Renaissance.


His works have been translated into numerous languages, allowing his influence to extend far beyond Portugal. Camões is often compared to other literary giants such as Dante, Shakespeare, and Cervantes, highlighting his global significance.


Celebrating Camões Today


The 500th anniversary of Camões' birth is being celebrated with various events and initiatives aimed at honoring his legacy. Literary festivals, academic conferences, and public readings of his works are taking place in Portugal and around the world. These celebrations are not only a tribute to Camões' contributions to literature but also an opportunity to explore the ongoing relevance of his themes and ideas.


The Portuguese government and cultural institutions are also promoting educational programs to introduce Camões' works to new generations. By doing so, they ensure that his legacy continues to inspire and influence future writers and readers.


Luís de Camões remains a towering figure in the world of literature, his works capturing the spirit of his time while continuing to resonate with readers today. As we celebrate the 500th anniversary of his birth, we are reminded of the enduring power of his poetry and the lasting impact of his artistic vision. Through his epic tales of adventure and his poignant lyrical verses, Camões invites us to explore the depths of the human experience and the heights of creative expression.


[1] In "Os Lusíadas", "Taprobana" refers to the island of Sri Lanka, known in ancient and classical literature as Taprobana or Taprobane. This name was used by Greek and Roman geographers to describe the island, and it appears in various classical texts. Luís de Camões includes this reference to emphasize the vast and uncharted territories explored by the Portuguese during their voyages of discovery.

[2] See the end note above